
Welcome to So Style Ash! My name is Ashley, and I’m a thirty something year old mom and wife living in Boca Raton, Florida. I have 2 daughters, 6 & 4 who I absolutely LIVE for! They are little mini fashionistas in the making and are so fun and full of personality! I’ve been with my husband for 14 years and married for 7 of them. He’s my best friend and my biggest supporter! I’m a target overspending, Starbucks addicted, celebrity stalking, true girls girl that is fashion and all things beauty obsessed!

I was born in New Jersey, but have been basically raised in Florida my whole life. Growing up, fashion has been engrained in my blood! My grandmother was the epitome of glamour and style! As far as I’m concerned she put Judith Leiber and Jimmy Choo on the map! My mother, a true shopaholic (she’ll admit it) was not too far behind! (I’m pretty sure my first word was Bloomies!) She’s always had the best style and I loved stealing all her things! (Who am I kidding I still do!)

Wayyy before iPhones or apps I spent an entire weekend taking pictures of every single item of clothing, shoe, & bag I owned and uploaded it into a “My Closet” file on my computer so styling outfits and remembering what I wore would be a breeze! Not gonna lie Cher from Clueless inspired that idea!

Starting So Style Ash has been something that I’ve wanted to do for so long, but haven’t found the time and balance that goes along with being a mom. I’m so excited to be able to share my passion for fashion and beauty and hope I keep you entertained along the way!

Dont forget to follow me on Instagram and subscribe to the blog!

Xox Ashley